Everyday Idioms
O cotidiano através de expressões idiomáticas
O cotidiano através de expressões idiomáticas

White roses always help on opening her heart.
”Idioms” ou Expressões Idiomáticas constituem um grupo de palavras que somadas formam um significado diferente. Isso significa que um "idiom" é uma expressão difícil de entender apenas traduzindo-se as palavras, pois nem sempre tem sentido literal, ou seja, não são o que parecem ser. Existe correspondência no plano da idéia, mas não da forma.
Em alguns casos, é possível entender o seu significado, pois existem correspondentes em português que tem o mesmo sentido literal, como exemplo:
Em alguns casos, é possível entender o seu significado, pois existem correspondentes em português que tem o mesmo sentido literal, como exemplo:
open one’s heart (talk about one’s feelings honestly, confide in someone)
- She suddenly opened her heart when I began talking to her on the bus.
- She suddenly opened her heart when I began talking to her on the bus.
Entretanto na maioria das vezes, mesmo que todo vocabulário seja conhecido, a frase em inglês pode apresentar um sentido totalmente oposto:
cup of tea (something one enjoys or does well - usually used in the negative)
- Going to art galleries is not my cup of tea so I think that I will stay home this evening and not go with you.
- Going to art galleries is not my cup of tea so I think that I will stay home this evening and not go with you.
Desta forma é preciso que os professores de inglês ajudem os alunos a se familiarizarem e aprenderem sobre o uso dessas expressões e o contexto em que os “Idioms” são utilizados.
A seguir serão apresentadas algumas expressões idiomáticas, que podem ser apresentadas junto aos conteúdos de sala de aula.

David got egg on his face because he forgot his math material for this class.
Food Idioms
apple of one’s eye (someone or something that one likes a lot)
- The little girl is the apple of her grandfather`s eye.
- The little girl is the apple of her grandfather`s eye.
(get or) have egg on one’s face (be embarrassed)
- He has egg on his face because everyone knows that he was sick at the party.
- He has egg on his face because everyone knows that he was sick at the party.
out to lunch (crazy, mad)
- She is totally out to lunch and you should never believe what she tells you.
- She is totally out to lunch and you should never believe what she tells you.
salt away (save money)
- He has been working there for seven years and has been able to salt away quite a lot of money.
- He has been working there for seven years and has been able to salt away quite a lot of money.
polish the apple (flatter someone)
- Nobody likes her because she is always trying to polish the apple with her teacher.
- Nobody likes her because she is always trying to polish the apple with her teacher.
Clothes Idioms
burn a hole in one’s pocket (money likely to be quickly spent)
- The money that he made at his part-time job is burning a hole in his pocket and he will probably spend it quickly.
- The money that he made at his part-time job is burning a hole in his pocket and he will probably spend it quickly.

Johnny is dressed to the nines because of his sister’s marriage.
dressed to the nines (teeth) (dressed elegantly)
- They were dressed to the nines when they went to the opening of the new theater production.
if the shoe fits wear it (that what is said in general can also be said of an individual person)
- You shouldn’t criticize others for something that you would do yourself. Remember, if the shoe fits wear it.
- You shouldn’t criticize others for something that you would do yourself. Remember, if the shoe fits wear it.
wolf in sheep’s clothing (a person who pretends to be good but is really bad)
- He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and someone that you should be very careful around.
- He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and someone that you should be very careful around.
Body Idioms
butterflies in one’s stomach (a feeling of fear or anxiety in the stomach)
- The little boy had butterflies in his stomach when he had to give the speech in front of the class.
- The little boy had butterflies in his stomach when he had to give the speech in front of the class.
hold one’s breath (stop breathing for a moment when one is excited or nervous)
- I held my breath and waited to see if my name had been called for an interview with the movie company.
- I held my breath and waited to see if my name had been called for an interview with the movie company.
on one’s back (making insistent demands of one, being an annoyance or bother)
- My sister is always on her daughter's back to clean up her room.
- My sister is always on her daughter's back to clean up her room.

Anna eats like a horse because she wants to keep her healthy
Animal Idioms
bark up the wrong tree (choose the wrong course of action)
- He is barking up the wrong tree. He accused me of causing the computer problem but I was away at the time.
buy a pig in a poke (buy something without seeing it or knowing if it will be satisfactory)
- You can buy the used computer if you want but it will be like buying a pig in a poke if you don't look at it first.
- You can buy the used computer if you want but it will be like buying a pig in a poke if you don't look at it first.
cry wolf (give a false alarm, warn of a danger that is not there)
- He is crying wolf. There is no real danger or worry about the electrical system causing a fire.
- He is crying wolf. There is no real danger or worry about the electrical system causing a fire.
donkey's years (a very long time)
- I talked to my friend for a long time because I hadn't seen her in donkey's years.
- I talked to my friend for a long time because I hadn't seen her in donkey's years.
eat like a horse (eat a lot)
- Her brother who is 18 years old eats like a horse.
- Her brother who is 18 years old eats like a horse.
rat race (rushing around, confusing way of living that does not seem to have a purpose)
- He is tired of living in the rat race every day and plans to quit his job soon and do something else.
Flávia Quirino Nogueira- He is tired of living in the rat race every day and plans to quit his job soon and do something else.
Consultora Técnica em Língua Inglesa na Futurekids do Brasil
Pós-Graduanda em Administração de Empresas pela FGV e
Graduada em Letras pela Universidade do Vale