sábado, 19 de março de 2011



"on second thought" - pensando bem "On second thought maybe you should go."

"get a grip" - se controlar "You need to get a grip, or you'll have to go."

"stuck-up" - prepotente - metido "Your friend seems a little stuck-up."

"stick around" - ficar por perto "Hey Jim, stick around and see the show."

to"jot down" - fazer uma anotação rápida - escrever um bilhete "I want to jot down your phone number."

"since you wanna know" - já que você quer saber "Since you wanna know, I'll tell you. I did it."

to"pass out" - desmaiar "She looks like she is going to pass out."

to"go haywire" - endoidar de vez- ficar esculhambado "My plans for the party are going haywire."

"nickname" - apelido "His nickname is mule."

to "gossip" - fofocar "It's not nice to gossip."

"hillbilly" - caipíra "He talks like a hillbilly."

"off the cuff" - sem pensar - sem planejamento "Don't make off the cuff remarks."

"Congratulations!" - Parabens! "Congratulations! You got the job."

"homemade" - caseiro -feito em casa "I love homemade bread."

to "hang out" - dar um tempo ou ficar em algum lugar "I'm gonna hang out at John's house."

to "weigh in" - dar uma opinião "I'd like to weigh in on your plan."

to "bad mouth" - falar mal de "Philip always bad mouths his job."

a "nut" - um maluco - um doido "Your brother is a nut."

to "screw up" - estragar tudo - fazer m_ _da "Bob screwed up the project."

"What's with you?".....him?......her?......them? - Qual é a tua? .....dele?......dela?.....deles?

"Phony" - Falso- Fingido- Falsificado "Hugo gave her a phony diamond ring."

to "make from scratch" - Fazer com poucos recursos "This cake was made from scratch."

"If you don't mind..." - Se não se importar... "If you don't mind I'd like to say something."

"By word of mouth." - De boca em boca. "Some news comes to us by word of mouth."

"the end result" - o resultado final "Well, the end result is that he has a cold."

"dead serious" - seriíssimo- sem brincadeira "Let me tell you Bobby, I am dead serious."

to "daydream" - viajar (mentalmente) - estar "desligado" - sonhar acordado "Stop daydreaming and get to work."

to "drop the ball" - deixar a peteca cair "If you drop the ball one more time, you'll be fired."

"to be fired" - levar as contas- ser despedido "I was fired because I arrived late to work."

to "brown nose " - puxar saco "Maybe you should try to brown nose your boss."

"bogus" - falsificado - não genuino - de mentira "I think you may have bought a bogus ticket."

to "reach an agreement" - chegar a um acordo "Phil says his business partners have reached an agreement about the purchase."

"never mind" - deixa pra lá - esquece - não ligue "Never mind my problems you have plenty of your own."

"just about" - quase "I am just about finished."

"on the ball" - esperto - bom no que faz - atívo, atento "Her father liked me. He said I was on the ball."

to "dish out" - to "shell out" - distribuir - servir - dar "My brother really dishes out the money."

to "get off your chest" - desabafar "I feel much better now that I got this off my chest."

"as well" - também - da mesma forma "Sally wants to attend this school as well."

to "ramp up" - intensificar - aumentar "Dr. Rice says she is going to ramp up the pressure."

to "give in" - cessar de resistir - ceder - render se "Timothy will give in to all this pressure."

"face value" - valor real - valor honesto "You shouldn't take what he says as face value."

to "put your foot in your mouth" - falar algo embaraçoso - falar a coisa errada na hora errada "I think you just put your foot in your mouth once again."

"no strings attached" - sem compromisso anexado ou adicional "I promise you can have the house no strings attached."

"out of breath"- sem fôlego - não conseguindo respirar normalmente "He can't speak because he's out of breath."

"to have a sneaking suspicion"-estar desconfiado -suspeitar "I have a sneaking suspicion that Jane wasn't alone last night."

"to multi-task"-executar várias tarefas simultaneamente "To get a good job you have to be able to multi-task."

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